Friday 4 November 2011

Challenge 3: Conversation

Tell us about a conversation you’ve had that changed your perspective or was otherwise meaningful to you. (Stanford)

Five years ago, my maternal grandfather came to visit us (My mother and me) in New Delhi, which was where I lived back then. My grandfather, who is a simple man, really had to battle his way to become the man he is today. He was from a low class family, and with the lack of education, he became an alcoholic. Being married with eight children, he decided he had to change his ways. From then on, he became a hard-working man and now has many businesses in my hometown under his name. Yet, he chooses to live in his farm, in a little hut, alone.

Fast-forwarding to the conversation we had, there was a lot of confusion on my side, five years ago. He sat me down, and as I looked at him with a puzzled look, he continued, “I believe in you. I believe you can have a satellite bigger than Bill gate’s, and I also believe that you can be more successful than him, and rob him of all his money.” I sat there with him for one hour, asking questions like “How can I do it?” or “Isn’t that a crime?” What I did not understand was that he was speaking metaphorically. He reminded me of his past, and his climb to success as the conversation stretched. He ended the conversation by repeating the words “I believe in you,” and leaving me more confused than ever.

What he really tried to say was that, I have so much more than he ever did as a child. I have a better family background, a better upbringing, and most importantly, education. He meant to say that, if he could do all that he did with nothing to start with and no education, then I should do so much more. He believes in me. With that boost of confidence, i will stop for nothing.

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