Saturday 26 November 2011

Challenge 25: Friends

George Washington said, "Associate with men of good quality, if you esteem your own reputation; it is better to be alone than in bad company." About which of your friends do you and your parents disagree? Why do you feel that the continued company of this friend is a good thing? (Northwestern)

I had to leave my hometown and go to a place, when I was very young. I had just joined kindergarten back home, I had a few friends, and after a short time with them I had to say goodbye. During this short time I had with them, friendships, which I still treasure today, began.

I moved to New Delhi, the capital of India, and it was very different from my hometown of Aizawl, Mizoram. It was my father’s idea, as he believed I would get a better education. I grew up in Delhi and did not go home often. When I went home in 2005, I found my long lost friends again. I was disappointed to find that most of them had started smoking and drinking. We were only ten year olds.

When airline flights became cheaper, and travelling was made easier. I went home more often. I spent my holidays with those same friends. My mother, and my grandparents told me to stop spending my time with them as they thought they were bad influences. They did not see past the smoking and drinking.
What I believe is that it was only natural for my friends to start smoking and drinking because there was hardly anything to do in Mizoram when it came to entertainment. The only entertainment we had was concerts. Nowadays, the facilities back home is much better, and when the teenagers are distracted they do not fall prey to tobacco and alcohol.

I argued endlessly with my mother and grandparents, and I did not let them convince me that my friends are bad people. Instead, I convinced them that my friends are good. They too wish that they had never started smoking and drinking, and they do try to stop. They are the most talented bunch of people I know. We stay loyal to each other as friends, and brothers. They do everything they can to help their families, and they use their talents to follow their dreams. Just like any other bunch of teenagers. I hope to use all my knowledge and education, to come back home and make my hometown a better place.

It is not smoking and drinking that makes a person bad. What makes a person bad is his qualities, values, and how he looks at life. I see no qualities that make my friends bad. Their values are good. They love life, their families, and friends. They are not bad influences. In fact, they teach me the value of life. They teach me to work hard, as they work hard in what they do. They not only care for me, but for the rest of my family as well. They are true friends, and it will always remain this way. 

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