Monday 28 November 2011

Challenge 27: Parent Qualification

Do you think that you have the qualifications of a good parent? Discuss.

I am everything that an adult needs to be. I am responsible, mature, and I know how to make the right decisions to make. My actions are wise, I can handle situations without letting my ego come in the way, and I am unselfish in everything I do. It is because of these thoughts that I am not ready to be a parent. I cannot think myself into being mature, or any of those things I mentioned. I have a lot to learn before I take up the responsibilities of a parent. I have to learn to take care of myself before I can take care of a child.

The responsibilities faced by parents are far too complex, compared to the kind of responsibilities we teenagers have. We worry about colleges and grades. Parents worry about which school is best for their child, what they are going to eat for the day, how to raise a child to a responsible adult. They have to think about every single thing in detail. The responsibilities that we have are not even worth comparing with a parent’s. Then comes the phase, where the child grows up and starts developing his/her own opinions about things, and this requires the parent to say “yes” or “no.” I am still learning to make the best decision, so I cannot possibly make a decision for someone else. Parenting is not for a few days, months, or years. Once a person is a parent, he or she has the responsibility to take care of their child for the rest of their lives. This involves a lot of work, and patience. Parenting is a full time job, which does not allow you to make big mistakes.

A parent has to be a role model, and I do not think that my ways are always role model-like. A good parent has to be responsible, mature, wise, unselfish, and understanding. I may have some of those traits, but they are still far from being refined. I hope to refine these traits in the years to come, so that I can be qualified as a good parent. For now, I am going to concentrate on being a good son, and I will worry about the responsibilities of a parent when my time comes. 

1 comment:

  1. I find it really convincing how you use your "confident tone" to prove your point, but this could backfire if your reader looks at in in a sarcastic or possibly over-confident tone.
    You're definitely on the right track to becoming a good parent though!
