Friday 18 November 2011

Challenge 17: Family

Attach a small photograph of something important to you and explain its significance. (Stanford)

My family makes me feel like I am worth it. Well, Obviously, they are my family after all right? Well, My family is very different from any other. The picture shows about a quarter of my cousins, and me. I am the one wearing a red-checkered jacket on the right. This picture was taken last Christmas. The picture shows only a quarter of my cousins because I have a huge family. Some of my cousins were in other states, some were in other countries, most of them were studying elsewhere.

Growing up in a big family, I have learnt a lot of things I would not have learned in a smaller one. Learning how to share, how to socialize, etc. One of the most important things I learnt is being an individual. Being unique and standing out in my family is a big thing because of the huge amount of family members.

When I was younger I used to be bullied by my older siblings, and I am actually happy they did that, because it helped me develop a hard shell. We get along very well now, and I love all of them. By being bullied, I learned how it is to be bullied, and now I try my best to be a good big brother for my younger cousins. I try to be a role model and set examples for them, and I make sure that none of them get bullied.
I apply the same values with my friends. I always try to make the people around me happy, although it is hard not to be mean at times. 

Whatever career I pursue in my future, I want to be able to help many people. When I am on my deathbed, I want to be able to say my life was worth it. I believe that growing up in a big family helps me get ready for the big world.

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