Monday 21 November 2011

Challenge 20: Dear Future Roomie

You are about to write your future college roommate a letter. Please provide the roommate with a personal story that will give him/her some insight into your personality. (St. Mary's College, MD)

I am really excited to start college and I just want to give you brief information about me. Well, I can look very intimidating at first because I stand at a height of 6ft 4 inches. This is always a huge misconception, because I would not hurt a fly. People who have known me for a long time give me nicknames like, “The friendly Giant.” So, please do not be intimidated by me. If you are even taller than me, then please do not intimidate me.

I am always looking to make new friends, and because of this I am always very open from the start. I like to make things big, if I am involved in something, I try my best to make it as good as possible. I do not wear a mask, I am simply who I am. So feel free to tell me if you do not like something about me, and I will try my best to make sure that it will no longer bother you.

On the other hand, I hope you like music and sports as much as I do. It is always good to have someone to talk to about these things. It is hard not to be constantly thinking about these things, as I grew up with music and sports surrounding me. I do not smoke or drink, and I plan to keep it that way. I hope you can respect that and not try to persuade me into trying them.

I do not go chasing success; I do what I love everyday and hope that success finds me. I hope to meet you soon and hopefully we will pursue our goals in life as friends. 

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