Friday 25 November 2011

Challenge 24: COnfUSed

What confuses you most in life, and why? (University of Virginia)

I can always give my best when it comes to sports, music, and things that are interesting to me. When it comes to academic work, I work hard, but I yield no results. The confusion that I face after receiving every test grade is that, my hard work hardly helps me. The more I spend time on studying, the more I actually know about something, but this excess knowledge brings me down. How? When I actually spend a lot of my time studying I learn things that I would have been better off without.

This is most prominent in my multiple-choice tests. I spend most of my free time studying, and this gets me excited for my test or quiz, as I feel that I will be able to perform really well. I go through all of this effort just to be disappointed in the end. Mainly, the reason I do not end up with a good grade is because I think too much when I am giving an answer. I pull out some facts from my brain, which I do not need to answer a question. I just end up using my knowledge for the wrong reasons. Since I have had this happen to me a number of times, I have tried many new things to stop it from happening again.

What confuses me even more is that when I am fully attentive in class, and I show up for a test without studying, I perform much better than I would have if I studied more. I am not saying that studying is a bad thing. What I am saying is that knowledge is a very powerful thing. Too much or too little of it can really bring us down. We have to learn how to use the knowledge that we have wisely in order to make proper use of the power we have, in the form of the human brain. 

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