Wednesday 16 November 2011

Challenge 15: Sky is the Limit

Discuss an activity, interest, experience, or achievement in your life (this could be a book, movie, or an activity or experience at work, home, or at school) that has been particularly meaningful for you. (University of Florida)

I do not want to grow up. I want to be able to be childish and stay in Neverland for as long as possible. I want to stay young and fit, but sadly life must go on. I love the innocence that children have, and how they believe that everything is possible. I remember when I used to enter an imaginary world every time I watched a new movie. When I watched the terminator, I would run around the house with a toy gun, repeating the cheesy lines from the movie. When I watched Jurassic Park, I transformed into a ferocious dinosaur. When I watched Superman, I could fly.

My imagination would allow me to morph myself into anything, and I could turn my surroundings into anything I believed it to be. When all these small things are put together, they add to the creativity and imagination I have today. I am grateful that ten years ago, there were no such things as iPods, PlayStations, etc. I am grateful that I got to grow up without technology surrounding me. If I grew up in the current age, I would be occupied by games, that I would be deprived of the space needed for me to use my own imagination. Nowadays, when I see my little cousins play with each other, all they need is a PlayStation, a television, and a small room. When we were younger, even the whole world was not enough for us to run around. We turned every place into a playground, and I still have scars that I got from running away from aliens, fighting in a war, or crashing in a race. 

I still hold importance to what I believed as a child, the belief that anything is possible. I have the creativity I have today because of all the movies that I was in, and all the games that I used to play as a child. The only thing that limits me is my imagination. 

1 comment:

  1. Just because you get older doesn't mean you have to grow up!
