Wednesday 30 November 2011

Challenge 29: Experiences to Goals

How have all your acquired experiences shaped your career goals?

When I was younger, I used to be very hyper, and because of my hyperactivity, I simply had to keep myself busy. This gave me a lot of confidence, and I ended up singing in birthday parties, dancing when no one else was, entering my name in sport competitions, etc. There was hardly ever sat for more than five minutes. As I got older, my confidence grew with me, and I guess it continues to grow the more I involve myself in activities.

Somehow, I ended up doing so many new things because I was always ready to try something different. My love for performing led me to set my aims toward becoming a musician. I took the lead part in almost all of my previous school’s productions, this lead me to believe that I should be an actor. I wanted to be a fighter pilot because I was inspired by a helicopter pilot who I had a brief conversation with, as a young child. The pilot was very heroic to me, and I wanted to serve my country just like he did. There was a time when I was one of the fastest sprinters in my age group in Delhi, and because of that I wanted to be an athlete. Since my grandfather is a politician, a lot of friends and family members tell me to follow in his footsteps, there are times when I feel like being a politician. I play basketball for my school’s varsity team, and it is a really important part of my life. I even play for a state level team back home. I used to help my mother work in a slum, as she and her good friend gave the people medical aid for free.

The many things that I have done in the past make it really hard for me to pursue just one thing. One thing common for all of the things I mentioned is that I have a passion for all of them: music, sports, helping my people and people in general, helping the poor, etc. I have decided to take what I know from all of those fields and fuse my ideas together, so that I can use my talents in the most effective way.  


  1. This is a really nice post. Within that paragraph, you have told a lot about yourself. I like how you included your childhood as well in this post. The conclusion is good too.

    Perhaps, you can put in some sort of transition between different things that you have done.
    Also, try to avoid writing run-on sentences.

  2. Nice post! It tells us a lot about you. And I like the way you start with your childhood, talk about how you are at present, and then say a little about what you can do in the future. Though the transitions could have been better and a little more organised. And you should have spell checked your post before posting. There is grammatical error in the third sentence. But over all, it's really nice!

  3. nice post, i guess you kinda sum up what and who you are today though your past experience. i like the way you include your family and childhood into this essay
