Sunday 13 November 2011

Challenge 12: Decisions

What is a major achievement in your life? Who and what assisted you in reaching your aim?

I always have a very easy time in making small decisions. When it comes to big decisions, I am always hesitant. A major achievement that I recently made in my life is deciding what I want to do with my life. This is a major achievement because I have so many interests. Picking out one interest out of so many and pursuing it is not easy. I keep having fluctuations about what I want to do, but this time I am pretty sure.

I want to pursue a career that involves me to use my brain. Cliché? Not really. Using my brain in a sense, coming up with something new and original. I do not want to go into medicine, engineering, or any other serious career. I want a career that allows me to have fun everyday at the workplace, and a career where I travel and meet new people. I want a career that does not require me to work a day in my life, because I would enjoy it so much. All these reasons pointed mainly pointed towards music.  

My brother has taught me to love music just like he does. Seeing him so happy in college lets me know that he enjoys what he is pursuing. I hardly ever have the chance to talk to him on the phone because he is always so busy organizing some events, taking part in a musical, singing etc. It seems as though there is never a dull moment in his life. For a really long time he had not been able to decide either, that is why I wanted to make sure it did not happen to me. Sound designing and filmmaking sounds great to me, because I would constantly be around people, meet new people, and at the same time, work with music.
I am not saying I am a 100 percent sure, but even being a little bit sure about this is a major achievement because it lets me have an aim. Now I can go full throttle towards something that I do not have to work hard for, because I have fun when I am working towards it.

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