Thursday 17 November 2011

Challenge 16: Abilities

Do you believe that your academic record accurately reflects your abilities? Explain.

I study in a boarding school, and everyday is pretty much the same. We wake up in the morning, go to school, come back to dorms, have dinner, study, sleep, and then the same things happen all over again. So, what do I during my time in school? I go to classes, study about how businesses work, how to calculate the amount of time it takes for a rock to fall, how to draw a graph, etc. What do I do when I am in dorms or at home? I listen to music, I look for new music, I write music, I play music, I record music, and I just love doing it. Do I believe that my academic record reflects my abilities? NO!

My academic record reflects how well I can do in things that I have no passion for. It does reflect my abilities at times when I actually like the subject. But, most of the times I take courses because I am required to take them. My academic record in physics does not reflect what kind of physics I am capable of applying on the basketball court. My academic record in general, does not reflect any of my abilities as a musician, sportsman, etc.

The difference between what I do in school and what I do in the dorms, is the passion I have for what I do. When I love something I do, I strive to improve at it, and I give my 110% all the time. When I do not have a passion for a subject, I find it so hard to do the things I have to do to pass the class, but I continue to try. I feel sad because grades play an important role in getting into college, but it really does not show the colleges how hard I work at the things I have a passion for.

This leads back to why I work hard for my subjects. I work hard for the subjects that I have no passion for, because the only way I can get into a good college that will let me pursue the things I love is by getting good grades. They do not reflect my abilities, but exceling in academics is important, so that I can later on enhance my abilities. 

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