Sunday 20 November 2011

Challenge 19: Simplicity

What is your favorite word, and why? (University of Virginia)

My favorite word is simplicity, for the fact that it is very simple. When things get very complicated, it is hard not to think of a simple solution. When things are simple, it becomes easy to go through with life. When I have to make complicated decisions, I try to think of the simplest solution.

But, the problem is that simplicity can be very complex. It even leads to a point where I do not know what I am writing. The complexity involved in simplicity is that you have to understand something very well, for it to become simple. I love simplicity because it nudges me to do things I would not do. For example, when I think too much before doing something or making a decision, the situation becomes complex. If I make the decision quickly before I think of the pros and cons of each side, the decision is fairly easy to make.

Simply speaking, I believe that doing things in a simple manner helps me make honest decisions. I do not understand the English language well enough to use big words in my essays, but I write from the bottom of my heart, with simple words and a lot of truth. It is not necessary to make things complicated, as long as the simple option does the job. Important meetings often stretch for a long period of time because people cannot keep things simple. Arguments stretch for a really long time because people cannot keep things simple. The more complex it gets, the more anger is generated, and that again leads to more complexity.

If only things are kept simple in the first place, then things do not become complex. I keep things simple; it saves me a lot of time and a lot of anger. I do not use big words, but people understand me. I get my ideas through, and by keeping it simple people listen to me. I used the word “simple” so often I nearly forgot the meaning. What I am trying to say is, “keep it simple.”

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