Thursday 24 November 2011

Challenge 23: Holiday

If money and family obligations left you entirely free, how and where would you spend the summer before college?

Work, work, work, and more work. That is the situation I am going through right now. Whether I like it or not, I have to get my work done at a certain time in a certain way. I am actually very tired for the first time, and I am hoping that hard work will pay off. I feel as though school is really fun, but the workload can be a bit too heavy at times.

If I had the freedom to spend my summer before college any way I want, I would take my brother, and mother to Hawaii. Hawaii has the beauty of the ocean and the mountain, all in one place. The people are very kind, and I feel that it is the perfect place to rest. I want to rest because of all the work and challenges that I face in high school. I want my mother to rest because she works so hard, and she has no time for herself. I want my brother to rest because his college life is pretty hectic too. All in all, the perfect place for enjoyable rest is Hawaii. I will use this time to slow down from everyday life and just reflect on how I can plan my next step in life.

College is a whole new environment, and a whole new chapter to life. I want enough time to think, with no pressure from anyone, about what I can do as one person to contribute to the world. Be it in terms of charity work, donations, etc. I just want enough time to think about something that I will do for the rest of my life that will benefit me, and good amount of people. 

1 comment:

  1. I agree Hawaii is the best place to release all your stress and worries. Even though I have never been there I know it. And it was my plan too to go to Hawaii before starting college.
