Sunday 27 November 2011

Challenge 26: I Have a Dream

What do you hope to accomplish within the next ten years? Explain.

I never thought the day would come when my opinion actually matters. The sixteen years of my life has been very memorable. There have been times of laughter, confusion, and sadness. When I put it all together, it all adds up to who I am today. When I was younger and I wanted to drive, eighteen seemed so far, yet I am approaching it. I am close to being called an adult, and with that comes a lot of “adult” responsibilities. The next ten years of my life, God willing I live that long, matters a lot as it will affect the rest of my life.

In the coming years, I hope to get into a college, where I not only get an education, but graduate with everything that the college has to offer, such as friends, personal growth, spiritual growth, etc. College is the place where the evolution of teenager to adult occurs.  Every decision made will be important and critical as to who I become. Within the years in college, I want to experience education in a field that I am actually interested in, which is sound design.  I look forward to learning everything I can about the different ways music can be interpreted and learning the things I never knew about sound.

When I am done with my education, I hope to bring back my skills to my country. From what I know, the music industry in India is not promoted very well, and I hope to be one of the first good music producers in India. I mainly want to promote the musicians in my hometown, as there are a lot of hidden talents that may never be discovered. I feel that my people deserve to be heard, and I will give all my effort into making sure that this happens. If I am successful in doing this, I will go on to promote good music in the whole country. I will go on looking for musicians in all of India. That includes the underprivileged, such as the poor, who have talent but do not have the facilities to be heard. It would be amazing to host fund-raisers and help as many people as I can possibly help in one lifetime.

All of this may seem very unrealistic, but I know that it is possible. With the right education, hard work, and determination. This dream of mine can become a reality. It may take more than ten years to accomplish all of this, but that does not matter. What matters is getting it done. Helping my country through music.

1 comment:

  1. This post reminded me of the TED talk shown to us in class. You need an idea and people to hear this idea for it to spread and make come true. I'm sure you'll find a way to achieve it! :D
