Sunday 6 November 2011

Challenge 5:

Discuss an important personal relationship you have had and explain how it has changed your life.

Many relationships, at least the personal ones, have a tendency to make you question who you are as a person. The relationships that I have had have mostly ended badly due to my lack of understanding the person, or vice-versa. I definitely find it hard to keep a good relationship going, but what I have learned is that a relationship will not end if there is mutual understanding. I learned this lesson from my relationship with a guy, and no I am not gay. The relationship I have with this person is very different.

It all started in 9th grade, that is the year I joined a new school called Woodstock. When I started out as a freshman in a whole new environment, I was completely lost. I was unsure of how to behave, what to say, and how to say it. On top of all this, I was put in a dorm with 11th graders. The only other two freshmen were my roommates. I was scared of disrespecting the juniors, scared of getting beat up.

As the weeks went by, I was still stuck in a shell of fear, and confusion. Then, there was a new junior who I saw on the basketball court. I had not seen him before, as he had not been able to return to school because he was sick. I had learned to respect him as his name had been ringing around the dorms. Gaurab Adhikari. I wanted to hang out with him and get to know him better, but it was not that easy. I had spoiled my reputation in the past few weeks, as I had said things I should not have said. I tried hard to build my reputation, so that he and his friends would let me in their circle.

I slowly started hanging out with them, and I eventually became one of them. When I was finally in good terms with Gaurab, I realized how much I had changed already. I had dropped my cocky attitude, and also realized how the world does not revolve around me. In the process of making those adjustments in myself, I had made new friends.

Why is the relationship I have with this person different? He is my friend, mentor, coach, guru, teacher, and most importantly he is my brother. When the school organized dances, Gaurab used to dance as if no one else existed. He never cared about what people thought about him. He was not afraid to be himself. He helped me become someone real. 

1 comment:

  1. Sniff sniff....
    no but really...there should me more people in this world like me.
