Monday 14 November 2011

Challenge 13: Hometown

Once you have completed your education, would you return to your hometown to begin your adult life? Why or why not? (William and Mary)

It is funny how coincidental things can get. For the past few days, I have been thinking of this question and the answer is yes. I come from a place called Mizoram, a place that is culturally rich and has multi-talented people. The town is small, but we make use of the little things that we have. We have so much potential as a people, but sadly our talent lies dormant. We started getting recognition for our musical gifts recently, and I hope that we continue to get recognized for other things.

I want to come back to my hometown, and make it the better place that it can be. We do not have amusement parks, malls, and cinema halls, places where the young crowd can have fun. I believe that it is the lack of all these facilities that the youth start abusing alcohol, and smoking. They do not have things to do, so they turn towards those drugs that never let go. My aim is to bring a stop to all of that by starting up “hang out” places, something that will keep the youth entertained.

Also, at night, if you listen close enough, you can always hear music coming from somewhere. In fact, you can hear music the whole day. Music is a part of our culture, and it is also something that brings friends and families together. I hope to start up a little music studio, where people can come and record their songs for a cheaper price. I hope that I can be an asset in putting my hometown on the map, by helping the talented people to be recognized.

Mainly I just want to bring out all the potential that my hometown, and my people have. I want to help Mizoram modernize, while still maintaining the rich culture and traditions. 

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