Monday 7 November 2011

Challenge 6: Generations

Do you believe there's a generation gap? Describe the differences between your generation and others. (Denison University)

My family tree would probably look like a Banyan tree; a tree with branches that come out of the branches’ branches, and so on. The beauty of this is that I have a lot of cousins and uncles and aunts and nieces and nephews and so on. I have a lot of people who love me, and people who I love. There is just so much joy, laughter, and happiness in our family. The only problem we face as a family is the generation gap.

When we are together, we usually have a total of five generations in one house: Our grandparents, parents, the older cousins, middle cousins, and lastly, the younger cousins. I am a part of the fourth generation. The generation of teenagers who enjoy talking with each other, exploring new places, and seeking adventure. However, things get complicated when the other generations butt in. When we try to have our conversations, an uncle or an aunt would come in the room, and try being hip and young.  Sadly, their ways have become too fuddy-duddy for us. When we travel, we usually want to explore the city, roam around, and find something new and exciting, but this becomes impossible when the older members of the family tell us to take our little brothers and sisters along. All the excitement just becomes sucked out by the constant “I want to go to a toy shop,” “Let’s just take a taxi,” and worst of all, “I want to go home.” When we look for adventure, the adults are constantly worried. They fear for our safety, and when we go to an amusement park, roller blade in a new city, or watch a late night movie, they constantly call us, and ask us what is going on.

Being concerned about our safety is not a bad thing at all, but we need to be allowed to live a bit too. They had their chance to spend their youth, and now it is our turn to learn and explore. The differences between our generations are mainly significant in our interests, and thought process. Maybe, one day I will be like the older generations, maybe. For now, I am going to continue living my life to the fullest, because I do not want to have any regrets when I am older. Hopefully, my generation will learn how to love. 

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