Friday 30 March 2012

Response Essay 8: I Like...

Central Argument: We do not like some things more than other things because we actually like them more but, because we choose to think that way.

            Often, we are put in positions when we have to choose between two things. It can be between jewelry, drinks, food, or anything at all. When we finally pick what we prefer out of the two, the decision is usually based on what we like more. I will always choose KFC over McDonald’s. Do I make the decision because I like KFC more? Or is it because my friends say that it is a better place to eat. According to the article Why WE Like What We Like, Alva NoĆ« believes that we do not like some things more than other things because we actually like them more but because we choose to think that way. I believe she is right because people base their decisions on what pop culture influences, and what people around them think of them.
            People’s decisions can be based on what they believe in, or what people make them believe. Today, in the world of technology and faster ways of communicating, pop culture’s influence has greatly increased. The things we see in magazines, the Internet, and on television easily influence us. Many people do not buy or do things because they like it. Instead, they do it because other people like it. This means that pressure from society plays a huge role in people’s decision making. Years ago, when hip-hop was the in thing, people used to walk around with baggy jeans, and t-shirts that were three sizes big. Nowadays, people wear jeans that are really tight, and the influence came from many different celebrities. There are some celebrities who do their own thing, and other celebrities copy that, and the trend spreads among the fans, and finally worldwide. Things like this spread fast and affect our decision making because when a lot of people like something, we think that we should like it to. People appeal to popularity, and that is why many trends originate from celebrities. People think, “If Justin Bieber thinks it is cool, then it probably is.” That is how it all starts.
            Like celebrities, the people around us can also affect our decisions in a big way. I changed my fashion a few years ago, because my cousins made fun of me too often. I did not have to, but I chose to do it. I was conscious of what the people around me thought of me, so I decided to change what I wore. As time passed, I grew into what I was wearing, and I actually liked it. I chose to make the change, and I chose to like it, but in reality it was other people who influenced my decisions.
            There can be a lot of reasons as to “Why We Like What We Like.” The main reasons usually come from what pop culture, and the people around us think or like. People can choose to do their own thing, but that usually makes them an outcast.

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